Have A Nice Day, based out of Los Angeles, is a trusted community of verified charities where one can watch every cent of their dollar go to those who need it through H.A.N.D.'s personalised social giving platform. We at the Irregulars were entrusted with designing a new identity that portrays the brand's ‘nice’ personality.
Much like the sunny persona of the H.A.N.D., we made the logo the signature of the brand - simple, fun and memorable. A combination of both word-mark & mnemonic, it is flexible and engaging, and works across applications to form a recognisable brand personality, even going short form.
The mnemonic is quite literally a smile shaped arm ending with a hand each on both ends.
We then brought it all together with colours
A Happy Yellow, supported by tints Medium Happy and Dark Happy Yellow,
A Happy Blue, supported by tints Medium Happy and Dark Happy Blue,
A Smile Pink, supported by tints Mid Smile and Dark Smile Pink &,
A Soft White, supported by tints Mid Soft and Dark Soft White!
The secondary colours were a crisp 9 shade chart with 3 shades each of red, orange and green to add more fun and expression.
and the colour combinations from the primary to the secondary palette were intentionally paired to add even more fun to the design language.
And with the type, we decided to make the identity a whole lot more fun! With the friendly Grota Rounded as primary, the chill New June Semibold as the secondary typeface, and the supporting Poppins with a wide range of weights for body copies and diverse applications.
Then came the hand!
Keeping in sync with the tone of voice and personality of the brand, we created a library of hand gestures that brought more energy to the system. Our hand creation guide strongly recommends the sign off step to ‘be playful’.
We did not stop there. To add more pop to the design language, we created a sticker library used over text or images to highlight information, keeping with the ways in which a new generation communicates.
Thank you to our friends at Have A Nice Day for letting us feed off their fun personality and bringing it to their brand identity!
The Irregulars Alliance exists to enable the growth and prominence of the Indian art and design scene, and works to contribute to the Indian community culture. It is committed to fostering a workplace that is actively intentional about inclusion, diversity and creating a safe working environment for everyone. Our highest belief lies in the power of creativity and we are here to nurture creativity from the Indian peninsula. Read more soon about the internal Irregular happenings here.
Irregulars Alliance LLP
S-4, Khirki Extension, Malviya Nagar,
New Delhi, India - 110017
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